English Grammar in Hindi: Importance of Hindi Grammar

English Grammar in Hindi : How You Should be Reading and Why? English is the most important language used by the peoples all around the world. A recent study shows that out of 7.5 billion people 1.5 billion people uses English as the way of communication. In case you’re wondering that is 20% of the total Earth’s Population. In the continent of Asia, India is considered to be the home of the most English Speakers comparing to the other Countries. The main reason for this is, India unlike the other countries has more than 22 Languages used by different cultures all over India. The English Language plays a big role for bringing all these culture together along with Hindi Language which is the major spoken language in India. For this reason most of people speaking Hindi Language learns English Grammar in Hindi. Because of this people takes help of many books, online guide and English Speaking Apps to learn English Grammar through Hindi Grammar. Because English Language is sp...