Corona Virus (Co-Vid19) OutBreak

Coronavirus diseases (COVID - 19) Outbreak Coronaviruses or CoV are a vast family of viruses that can cause illness like the common cold to more critical diseases. Some of the critical diseases caused by the coronavirus are · Middle East Repertory Syndrome or MERS-Cov · Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS-CoV Coronavirus disease which is COVID-19 is a totally new strain of coronavirus that was discovered recently. This new strain was not previously noticed in humans. Coronaviruses are zoonotic diseases, which mean these are transmitted through animals and people. According to WHO (World Health Organization) SARS-CoV was transmitted to humans from Civet Cats and MERS-CoV from Dromedary Camels. There are several coronaviruses that are circulating in different animals. Humans are not infected by these coronaviruses. How Coronavir...